4th Interdisciplinary Corruption Research Forum

"Varieties of (anti)corruption: Learning from the past for the future”

To find out what the conference covered, you can check out this special issue of the Kyiv-Mohyla Law and Politics Journal

Mid-June. For the fourth year in a row this means it is the time of the year when young corruption researchers from different (academic) backgrounds gather to discuss, exchange, co-create about corruption. This year’s ICRN Forum on “Varieties of (anti)corruption: Learning from the past for the future” was held in collaboration with ACREC  at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Ukraine.

Thanks to the funding of the Anti-Corruption Research and Education Centre, International Renaissance Foundation, and Quality of Government Institute in Gothenburg, Sweden, and the Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Evaluation of Public Policy (LIEPP) of Sciences Po Paris the event was free of charge, including a joint conference dinner on an amazing boat cruise.

Thank you to the local organizing team, all the great and active participants and to Alina Mungiu-Pippidi and Janine Wedel for their exciting keynotes! Special thanks to ICRN-veteran Paul Heywood for coming and the invaluable input!


We all look forward to seeing you next year in Bergen!


The ICRN team


Some impressions from the forum



Three different session formats:

The forum featured promotion sessions in which participants could present their finished papers and projects, work in progress sessions where participants could receive feedback on ongoing work and the by now famous co-creation sessions, here participants lay the foundation for a new project.

At the end, of the forum we asked the participants, which sessions they liked the most:


Stronger focus on social media:


Due to various reasons (including visas) this year’s forum unfortunately missed some of the accepted participants. To overcome these geographical challenges, those who couldn’t be in Kyiv physically could  follow the debate via #ICRN2019, or @ICR_network on Twitter and on Facebook


These hashtags emerged from the forum:


#icrn2019  #awesomenerdyness  #togetherwearebetter  #Corruptiongeeks  #energising  #cocreation  #seeyounextyear

Facilitate Connection and Exchange:


To facilitate the sharing of ideas, papers, other material, we created this googledoc. Here participants can include open access links to the papers. Also when it comes to the participants wish to stay in contact the results from final poll give reason to be optimistic:



Also, this was the first forum for ICRN’s podcast: KickBack – the global anti-corruption podcast. We asked participants who they would like to hear on the podcast. The Winner: Alina Mungiu-Pippidi. Stay tuned as she will be our next guest on the episode that goes live at the 24th of June. If you want to make recommendations – feel free to tweet them @KickBackGAP or via Facebook

Final Program of ICR Forum Kyiv anonymized
Program ICR Forum Kyiv
Adobe Acrobat Document 341.0 KB

The entire ICRN is happy to announce that the Program for the upcoming Forum is now online you can download it below.