Our WOrk

Create a network

We believe that exchange and collaboration is paramount to foster the understanding of the complex and socially harmful phenomenon of corruption.


Stay informed about updates on the ICRNetwork and our upcoming ICRForums. Follow us on Social Media and become part of a network of researchers that want to make a difference.


Get active and contribute with your knowledge and determination to make a difference.

Organize and attend conferences

In order to enable exchange across disciplines, we organize an interdisciplinary corruption research forum every year. 


We also chair panels on corruption-related topics at international conferences.

Previous forums and sessions hosted by the ICRNetwork:

Cooperation with UNODC

Since March 2017, the network established a cooperation with UNODC. The E4J initiative creates and disseminates education materials in UNODC mandated areas of crime prevention and criminal justice.


KorrWiss is a German-speaking research network founded by Johann Steudle and Jamie-Lee Campbell in 2013.


Some of the ICRNetwork founding members (Annika Engelbert, Oksana Huss, Nils Köbis, Ina Kubbe and Anna Schwickerath) met in a KorrWiss colloquium and developed the idea to expand KorrWiss to an international corruption research network committed to similar principles. We therefore consider KorrWiss as our "corruption research home" whose continuation and advancement is fundamental to us.

Joint Teaching Activities

As a network we organize and take part in teaching activities. We have organized unviersity courses, were involved in the development of the UNODC E4J teaching modules, co-organized workshops and summer schools and helped the creation of a Massive Open Online Teaching Course


If you are interested in partnering with us for a teaching event, feel free to contact us.